Jill Weinstein


Expressing myself through art has always been important to me. I find that the medium of paint, especially oil paint, allows me to use color and light to convey emotion and space. In my work, I am aiming to find balance between movement and stillness, line and form.



A life-long resident of New York City, Jill Weinstein has exhibited in a number of exhibitions and juried shows including the Firehouse Art Gallery and the Educational Alliance. In September 2008, Weinstein was one of nine artists chosen to exhibit at the Ernest Rubenstein Gallery

Weinstein has completed a two-week residency at The Vermont Studio Center and with Shelagh Ashley, has studied outdoor watercolor painting in France. Weinstein has also attended multiple classes at the Educational Alliance. She has produced her work the guidance of Carolyn Henzler, Barbara Neulinger, Josh Dorman, Liz Marrafino, Cora Cohen, Josette Urso and Leticia Ortega Cortes. Weinstein has taken workshops with Lisa Mackie in monoprints and with Margaret Krug in traditional painting techniques.

Weinstein earned a bachelor’s degree in Art History at Brooklyn College, where her continuing fascination with Medieval Art began.
